

The Smiths had a damn fine day today. It must have been damn fine to get me to update my website.

My dad retired today, as of 5:00 p.m. this afternoon, after working as an officer of the Federal courts since I was 4 months old. His quote, at the time of his emancipation, was, "Free at last...free at last...thank God Almighty I'm free at last."

He then fell asleep in his recliner....remote in hand.

The other good news was I learned today that I passed the Professional Engineering exam, officially making me: Tony L. Smith, P.E.

Ronda is none too excited about being Ronda M. Smith, Wife of P.E., but I told her with time she'll get used to it. I spent a good portion of this past year applying, preparing, and studying for this thing, and if I'd failed I would have had to go through then entire ordeal again. The relief is palpable.

Needless to say, if able, I intend for every Christmas card I send to be sealed by my official seal *seal sound*, *seal sound*.

Oh, and by the way. I saw Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Wednesday night. You may be wondering whether or not this is a good movie. You want to know if the hopes you have invested in it will be dashed, your good heart trampled as it was when you left Star Wars Episode One - gasping at the naked contempt displayed by George Lucas.

I predict that you will be knocked clean on your ass, in the absence of mercy, pounded by raw craft and quality for the film's over three hour duration. I liked Two Towers well enough, preferred Fellowship, you know, but it'll do. Return of the King, by comparison, is every element executed with laser-guided precision. There is no point in the movie that appears to avail one the opportunity to pee.

Lastly, check out my latest cartoon, Kill Bear. My brother is using his connections, and we may be showing these at the Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin next month.